Brea Essex's blog
Thursday, December 29, 2011
My Blog is Moving!
My blog has been moved to Wordpress. Here's the new address: See you all over there!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
25 Days of Christmas: New Traditions, Same Family with Joselyn Vaughn
Merry Christmas! Today is officially the last day of 25 Days of Christmas. Awww. But it's not over yet! Please welcome Joselyn Vaughn!
When I saw that Brea would be posting my blog on Christmas Day, I panicked. What could I write about for Christmas Day? I haven’t been looking forward to the holidays because this year all our celebrations will be different. My brothers and sisters and I won’t be able to gather at my mother’s on New Year’s for our traditional oyster stew, chili and chicken noodle soups because my mother has moved to a new place and the old place is completely gone. And so all our traditions will be a little new.
But the place isn’t as important as the people. The same family will be able to search for seats around the tables and we’ll still have to count the plates and people a dozen times before we get the math to work. (You’d think that would be easier with the number of engineers and math majors in my family, but we always seem to be one seat or plate short.) The guys will camp out in front of the television, arm-chair reffing their favorite teams and the girls will crowd around the table as Mom deals out the Flinch cards and complains about everyone stacking their deck.
We will still be able to enjoy the time no matter where we are because we are together.
Wishing you and yours all the best whether you are celebrating old traditions or new.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
25 Days of Christmas: A Ukrainian Christmas with Cesya MaRae Cuono
Merry Christmas Eve! 25 Days of Christmas is winding to a close. Today, we have Cesya MaRae Cuono, author of The Elemental series, visiting with us!
all, Cesya here. Merry Christmas Eve! I’m so glad I got this spot
on Brea’s “25 Days of Christmas” blog event. And what better
way to kick off Christmas Eve than to share my family’s Christmas
Eve tradition with all of you.
as all of you know (or don’t know) I’m Ukrainian, Italian,
German, Russian, and Dutch but mainly grew up on the Ukrainian side
of traditions. Before my time, our Christmas Eve wasn’t until
January 6th
but as the times moved on it was celebrated on December 24th
with all other religions. Since the changing of our Christmas Eve,
our Christmas celebration goes from December 24th-January
(Feast of the Epiphany). The Christmas Eve Supper or Holy Supper
(Ukrainian: Sviata Vecheria) is a very family oriented time. It’s a
time dedicated to God, family, and ancestors. Dinner doesn’t begin
until the first star appears in the sky. This star is believed to be
the Star of Bethlehem and symbolizes the trek of the Three Wise Men.
The table is covered with two tablecloths, one for the ancestors of
the family, the second for the living members. In the old days hay
was laid out under the table as well as under the tablecloths to
remember that Christ was born in a manger. The table always has one
extra place setting for the deceased family members, whose souls,
according to belief, come on Christmas Eve and partake of the food.
This year our table will have two place settings, one for my
grandfather and one for my grandmother.
it’s time for our twelve-course meatless meal. There are twelve
courses in our Holy Supper, because according to the Christian
tradition each course is dedicated to one of Christ's Apostles.
first course is always unleavened (flat) bread and wine, which
represents Christ’s body and blood. It’s the main dish of our
whole meal. The next course is honey which represents a sweet year to
come. Then on to garlic which represents the ending of an old year.
We’ve combined the first three courses and eat our bread with the
honey and garlic on top and drink the wine with it. The next course
is our soups: Cabbage and Split-Pea. The foods to follow in the
remaining courses are prunes, fish (crab, shrimp, and tilapia),
mushrooms (cooked in onions and butter), pierogies (homemade), salt
and pepper (yes, they’re considered a course), and our desserts are
assorted fruits and nuts.
now you have my Christmas Eve traditions. I hope you learned
something new! And I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a safe and
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 23, 2011
25 Days of Christmas: Traditional Christmas Breakfast with Erin Danzer
Today we have Erin Danzer on the blog, sharing her traditional Christmas breakfast with us! It sounds--and looks--so yummy!
My Traditional Christmas Breakfast
By Erin Danzer
Every Christmas morning when I was growing up,
my brother, parents and I would wake around 7, turn on Christmas
music and take turns opening the gifts Santa had left us during the
night. While we opened gifts, the meat pies my mom had made earlier
in the season would heat in the oven. The sharp smell of sage mixed
with the meat would permeate the house, making us salivate with
anticipation. Finally, it would be time to eat. We would go to the
table, cut the pies in quarters and dig in, always with a chilled
dill pickle on the side.
According to my Aunt Sharon, a history teacher
as well as family historian, meat pies have been passed down the
female side of my dad's family for several generations, brought to
the States by my great grandmother DeRosier. Correctly called
TOUQUERES (pronounced like "two cares"), meat pies are the
traditional French pastry eaten after mass on Christmas Eve/Day. That
tradition is the one my aunt, dad and their family followed growing
up. The meat pies would be baked during the day on Christmas
Eve. Then after midnight mass, they would come home, heat up and eat
the meat pies, open presents and then go to bed well fed and already
knowing what Santa had brought them while they were at church.
Meat pies have been my Christmas
breakfast for as long as I can remember. Now, I share the tradition
with my husband and two sons. Someday (many years from now), I hope
to pass on the tradition to my future daughters-in-law. But for now,
I'm happy to share the tradition with all of you.
Meat Pies
You will need (for 3-5 Pies)
3lb ground pork
2lb ground veal
Enough pie crusts for top and bottom crusts for
all pies
Salt, pepper and sage to taste
Brown meat until all brown. Drain just about
all fat off. Add enough water until meat is slightly covered. Add
seasonings (I’m not sure on measurements here. I put a few dashes
of salt and pepper and about 2-3TBP ground sage) and let simmer 20
Make pie crusts and line pie pans. Fill about
half full or little more with meat. (I add a couple spoonfuls of
water here to keep it moist while baking.) Cover with top crust and
seal. Put hole in middle of top crust.
Bake in 400-degree oven until golden brown
(roughly half hour).
For Freezing:
Bake 15 minutes. Cool and cover with aluminum foil. Later bake in
425-degree oven for 45 minutes.
Thank you, Brea, for having me on your blog
today and sharing my favorite holiday tradition and recipe. To
everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
25 Days of Christmas: Sinterklaas Kaopentje with Allie Burke
25 Days of Christmas continues with Allie Burke, author of the Enchanters series! I just have to add that Allie is one of my new favorite people and new favorite authors. Take it away, Allie!
believed in Santa Claus long after I probably should have. Actually,
when I met my husband somewhere around ten years ago, I tried to
convince him that Santa Claus really did exist. I was, oh, I don’t
know. Fifteen.
fact, together with my love for the Christmas season, contributed to
my fascination with a new Santa Claus I learned of when I spent my
first Christmas with him and his family, somewhere around three years
father in law is someone who I love very dearly. But he’s strange.
Strange, like me, and as such, when I first heard him mumbling the
words to a Christmas song I’d never heard before, I was intrigued.
Intrigued, because I’d never heard it before, and intrigued,
because I hate Christmas music. But you couldn’t hate this song. It
sounded so innocent and so soothing sung from this Dutch-Indonesian
man’s mouth, and I just had to know more about it.
whispered to my husband as his father disappeared down the hallway,
and with a disgusted look like he couldn’t believe my ignorance, he
said, “Sinterklaas Kaopentje”. Like, of course I should know all
about it, or something.
to say, the song is quite well known in The Netherlands and in
Belgium, and goes something like this:
Leg wat in mijn schoentje,
Leg wat in mijn laarsje,
Dank je Sinterklaasje!
Leg wat in mijn schoentje,
Leg wat in mijn laarsje,
Dank je Sinterklaasje!
for those of you who need a translation, like me:
Nicolas Little Rascal,
Put something in my little shoe,
Put something in my little boot,
Thank you little Saint Nicolas!
Put something in my little shoe,
Put something in my little boot,
Thank you little Saint Nicolas!
just find it terribly awesome that at eighteen, I, the Christmas
fanatic, had something to learn about Santa Claus. I think we should
remember that Christmas may not look or sound the same in every
house, but it’s still just that. Christmas.
Christmas to you, from our home to yours.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
25 Days of Christmas: The Gift of Miracles with Thomas Amo
Today, we have Thomas Amo, author of An Apple for Zoe and the new Let's Get Lade, visiting with us on the blog!
Alyssa has come leaps
and bounds from where her life was two months ago. This is not to say
it’s an easy road ahead, Alyssa has a long way to go, but she has a
mother who will be right there taking every step with her. Christin
has never wavered in her faith and that is something we could all
take a good lesson on. So I look at the presents under my tree with a
different eye today than I did last year. Instead of saying, I want
this or I want that, I can say, I’m so blessed to have this and
have that. I thank the Lord for his mercy and letting us see Alyssa
as the miracle and blessing she is and I thank Christin for showing
me how to appreciate what Christmas really does mean.
Gift of Miracles
Christmas is in four
days and so many people lose sight of what this day actually really
and truly means. For the kids, it means toys, to the teens it means,
an iPad, cellphone, laptop, money. To the parents it means, can I pay
for all of this and not use a credit card?
But for me, Thomas Amo,
it means in a world that has become sometimes not a very nice place
to be, God is still God and a beautiful little girl named, Alyssa
Mowrey will be spending this Christmas with her family thanks be to
his mercy. Christin and I became friends via Twitter earlier this
year. We spoke on the phone once and instantly she has that ability
to turn a complete stranger into more than just a friend, she makes
you feel like family. We tweeted and even came up with the hashtag
#BNFF which stands for Best Nerd Friends Forever. Because we were
nerds and nerds stick together. This caught on and others joined our
nerd herd, but when the terrible accident that happened in October
this year, when three little angels were hit by a car while crossing
the street, Christin reminded me that her unwavering faith in God and
her humble attitude towards the events that would put virtually any
parent on a razor’s edge, she set the example to me of what a
Christian is.
Sadly, Mia, one of three
angels lost her life in that terrible accident. Some will feel if God
is so merciful then why didn’t all 3 survive. None of us can ever
know that answer and I won’t speculate on it. My heart aches for
the loss of little Mia, because even though I did not know her, I am
certain her smile was brighter than any star in the heavens. For her
family this is a time that they will need all the support and love we
can muster. Please include them in your thoughts and prayers.
Merry Christmas to all of
Thomas Amo
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
25 Days of Christmas: This Holiday Season by Lissette E. Manning
25 Days of Christmas continues with Lissette E. Manning!
Holiday Season
Lissette E. Manning
always loved this season. Mostly because not only do I get to
celebrate both my birthday and Christmas, but also because I get to
share it with my sister. We’re not sure how Mom managed for us to
be born in the same month, but it’s kind of nice to have someone
close to my own age who understands me in the same exact way I
understand her. Of course, my sister gets to have her special
celebration so close to Christmas, too.
isn’t it? That so many of us can share in such a joyous occasion
and become even closer than we were before.
you know that the date of December 25th
was one adopted by the Western Christian Church around the
early-to-mid 4th
century in order to depict the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ? Truth be told, our Lord’s true birth isn’t actually
known. It’s been said it occurred between 7 and 8 BC. At least,
that’s what historians say. Yet regardless of when Jesus was born,
it’s still a cause of celebration.
has allowed us to come together and celebrate this fact. It’s
allowed us to let bygones be bygones and to be thankful for the world
around us. To be thankful for our loved ones and the things we’ve
been able to accomplish. It’s a way for us to truly bond with those
around us. A heart-felt celebration that can felt all around the
thankful for my family. For my friends – those in real life and
those I’ve met online. I’m thankful because I’ve been able to
achieve part of my dream and share it with all of you. Most of all,
I’m thankful for the fact that God has given me another day in
which to breath and to sing His praises. My relationship with Him may
be rocky, at times, but I think He knows that at least I’m trying.
this holiday season, embrace those around you. Embrace the life
you’ve been given and never look back on what could have been. Give
God thanks for being there when we need Him.
of all, enjoy everything you do. Savor the moments as if they’re
your last and always remember those who couldn’t be here with us to
celebrate those moments and hold them close to your hearts.
Christmas and a Happy New Year when the time comes!
Bless and always the best to you all!
Book Blurb for Stuck:
A world too different from what we once knew . . . all we hold onto now is survival.
Memories of the dead remind Annie Page of the world she'd once known. Renegade forces are closing in, seeking to command the little that remains. Yet she refuses to stand by and watch the world crumble.
Her children’s love the driving force behind the choices that she’s made, she’s determined to make their world a better place. Yet their survival comes with a price – one that she never meant to pay.
Purchase Links For Stuck:
Amazon: Barnes & Noble: Smashwords:
A world too different from what we once knew . . . all we hold onto now is survival.
Memories of the dead remind Annie Page of the world she'd once known. Renegade forces are closing in, seeking to command the little that remains. Yet she refuses to stand by and watch the world crumble.
Her children’s love the driving force behind the choices that she’s made, she’s determined to make their world a better place. Yet their survival comes with a price – one that she never meant to pay.
Purchase Links For Stuck:
Short Bio:
Nancy Medina is an author from Connecticut who writes under the pseudonym of Lissette E. Manning. She has been writing since she was eight years old and spends most of her time trying to place her thoughts into order and giving life to the stories that are always brewing inside her head.
She enjoys listening to music, playing the occasional video game, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family. She's also a bit of a computer geek.
Her writing genres of choice are Science-Fiction/Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, Short Stories, as well as Poetry. She's currently working on several projects due out sometime in the new year, as well as her finishing her NaNoWriMo project, The Corsicanth Princess.
Nancy Medina is an author from Connecticut who writes under the pseudonym of Lissette E. Manning. She has been writing since she was eight years old and spends most of her time trying to place her thoughts into order and giving life to the stories that are always brewing inside her head.
She enjoys listening to music, playing the occasional video game, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family. She's also a bit of a computer geek.
Her writing genres of choice are Science-Fiction/Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, Short Stories, as well as Poetry. She's currently working on several projects due out sometime in the new year, as well as her finishing her NaNoWriMo project, The Corsicanth Princess.
Where Nancy (Lissette) Can Be Found Online:
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