Sunday, December 4, 2011

What to Get Your Writer for Christmas with Courtney Koschel

Today we have Courtney Koschel visiting with us on the blog! Ever wondered what to get the writer in your life (or yourself) for Christmas? Courtney will tell you!

What to Get Your Writer for Christmas, by Courtney Koschel

Writers are unique people with crazy thinking processes. We often get up really early or stay up crazy late. Sometimes we fail at personal hygiene or hold off on doing the laundry for “one more day” in hopes of breaking a certain word count or reaching a point in our story. We often talk to ourselves, to our characters, or to the characters in the book we’re reading. It’s quite a site to see. If you have the pleasure of knowing a writer, you have probably observed this type of behavior and then some. You may say, “Courtney, what do I get that crazy writer friend/partner/person/love of my life for Christmas?” I have a few answers for you that are sure to make your Writer squeak and squeal this Christmas.

Mandala Coloring Books – A mandala is an ancient symbol that means “circle” or “wholeness.” Mandala coloring can help your Writer relax while still being creative. I can plot an entire novel while coloring—it frees up the left side of the brain so the right side can have a hay-day. Your Writer will find a sense of calm while still being productive. Don’t forget to get some Sharpies (or any ultra fine point marker) or colored pencils to go along with the book.

Creative Journals or Notebooks – There are many different types of creative journals and notebooks that will help feed your Writer’s muse. The Listography – Your Life in Lists notebook is a fabulous journal for your Writer. They can fill the pages with all their crazy babble and then turn that babble into a story idea. If…(Questions for the Game of Life) is a journal your Writer can use for writing prompts, or self-discovery.

Idea Cards – Idea cards can help your Writer overcome writer’s block. They come in a stack with a little plastic holder. Your Writer can take them anywhere for a little dose of inspiration.

Calendar – It’s soon to be the start of a new year! Help your Writer keep up with what day it is by waking up their brain. Your Writer will like this 2012 Page-A-Day Brain Teaser desk calendar. After their daily brainteaser, they will be awake and energized to start writing.

Stress Reducer – Let’s face it—writing is stressful. Characters often misbehave, fingers cramp, and hands ache. Your Writer will need to let off some steam. Why not have something they can squeeze to relieve some pressure (also good for the hands). This Laughing Guy – Talking Stress Ball can help save YOU from your Writer’s wrath.

Your Writer's eyes will light up when they see one of these gifts under the Christmas tree. This holiday season; spend time with your Writer. Pry the pen from their hand and cut the power from their computer (only after you are 1000% certain they have saved their document…actually, better wait until their computer is OFF to do this). Drink eggnog and overindulge on sweets and goodies. You and your Writer will start 2012 with fresh minds and happy memories.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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